Wednesday, September 27, 2023Collision insurance is significantly different from other forms of auto insurance you may have. This type of insurance protects you financially if you've been involved in a car collision that you've caused. It helps to pay for the losses sustained by your car. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 23, 2023While diet, exercise and other lifestyle choices are a good indicator of your health, you don’t see the bigger picture until you find out what’s going on internally during your yearly physical. In order to make the most of the appointment and take control of your own health, ask your doctor these five questions. READ MORE >>
Monday, July 17, 2023Purchasing business insurance is a bit confusing if you aren't sure where to start. With so many types to choose from, how do you know you are getting the right type of policy for your business? One essential policy to consider is a general liability insurance policy. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 19, 2023Real estate values have increased over the past year and are projected to continue increasing throughout 2014, albeit at a slower rate. But what do these rising values mean for your home insurance premium? Many homeowners are concerned that a home with an increasing market value will require more insurance coverage, therefore raising premiums. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 17, 2023Boat insurance might not always be required in the same way that states require auto liability insurance, but prudent boat owners certainly want to protect their investment against accidents or injuries. Boat owners should never assume that their auto or home insurance policies extend to their watercraft. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 25, 2023After health insurance, most people would agree that car insurance is the greatest expense in a person’s budget. It may seem like rates are always increasing, but there are ways to save money on your car insurance premiums. Check out these tips: 1.Increase your Deductible. READ MORE >>
Monday, March 20, 2023Life becomes so much easier when you can enjoy good health. Not to mention, you don’t have to worry constantly about your blood pressure climbing too high or any other number of issues that could happen if you haven’t maintained your health. Creating a good relationship with your doctor is a big factor in living a healthy life. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 13, 2023When buying a homeowners insurance policy, it is only natural to want your coverage to fit your budget. After all, if you cannot afford your policy, then you risk letting it lapse due to nonpayment, and no one wants that. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 16, 2023You want to support the important things in your life as best you can. The financial cushion you provide can often play an important role in your family’s security. But, what happens if you were to die suddenly? Your income would no longer be able to help your survivors. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 21, 2022When you place your car in the garage, you expect to protect it from the elements. However, that’s not always a guarantee. Even when in the garage, the car can sustain damage from a variety of issues. Should this happen, will your home insurance or your car insurance cover the damage? READ MORE >>
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